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3 Things to Do While Waiting for AC Services

Here we are in September. The heat is luckily behind us, and we’ve got some exciting fall activities and weather to enjoy. Maybe you just went coat shopping last weekend, or you’re finally able to have the home to yourself every once in a while with the kids in school. All of this sounds great until we get hit with a heatwave when everyone isn’t expecting it.

It always happens, and even with fast AC repair in Newberry, FL, our climate is perfect for late-season heatwaves that strike when homeowners aren’t expecting them. If you thought your malfunctioning or old AC wasn’t necessary anymore because we’re done with summer, we urge you to rethink this.

When the heatwaves hit and you’re starting to panic after your AC breaks down, we’d like to help calm you down. Here are three great things you can do to help stay comfortable and make the job easier for HVAC technicians.

Here’s What to Do:

First of all, you need to call our team for help. If your air conditioner has broken down and it’s incredibly hot outside (as it often gets in our neck of the woods), then you need the help of a professional to get your home back on track. After you’ve called us and we’re on our way, here are a few extra things you can do to remain comfortable, safe, and happy.

1. Stay Hydrated

Hydration is one of the most important things you can do to remain healthy and safe when it’s hot out. In our climate, temperatures can easily reach 100 degrees in the fall, so having cold water on hand to drink can help you fight against these temperatures and remain comfortable. You can also make all sorts of other drinks, like juices and iced coffee if you’d like something tasty! Just make sure you drink the recommended amount of water on a hot day so you don’t suffer the adverse effects of heat stroke.

2. Run Fans and Wear Loose Clothing

Just because your AC has broken down doesn’t mean you have to sit in a stuffy house! Box fans can be incredibly helpful to move air throughout your home and lower the temperature a few degrees. Ceiling fans are also great ways to circulate air and keep things feeling cool in your home, at least until your air conditioner is fixed.

Fans only use a minimal amount of electricity compared to air conditioners, so you might actually save some money by using fans while you’re waiting for AC repair!

3. Block Out Sunlight

Sunlight is the largest source of heat when temperatures are high. While the sun’s rays might feel comfortable when you’re sitting on the beach or in your sunroom, they’re actually producing a lot of heat that make it hot in your home. If your AC is broken and you’re trying to keep things cool, then it’s a good idea to block out sunlight with curtains, shades and other materials. You can expect this to drop the temperature a few degrees in your house!

Call North Central Florida Air Conditioning to get your system repaired ASAP. Improving Lives by Improving Homes!

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  • Franklin Franklin