North Central Florida Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Gainesville’

3 Common Electric Furnace Repairs

Monday, February 15th, 2021

Contrary to what some people might tell you, electric furnaces are pretty common in our area. They’re affordable, efficient, and they’re perfect for keeping a home warm during a Florida winter. However, they’re not without their own set of unique problems.

We want to keep homeowners up to speed on what can happen with their electric furnaces. Things aren’t always smooth, and when something goes wrong, we want you to be as informed as possible. While we’re always available to call for help, we want homeowners to know exactly when they should call for help. Locating a problem and knowing a little bit of information surrounding furnace repair in Gainesville, FL can be a great start for homeowners out there.

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The Science Behind Insulation

Monday, January 18th, 2021

Have you ever wondered about what keeps heat inside your home in the winter, and outside in the summer? Aside from the air that’s blown in through your HVAC system, and the walls of your home, there has to be something else that helps, right? Something sits in your attic between you and the cold (or heat) of the outdoor air and keeps you safe, healthy, and comfortable. This is called attic insulation, and it’s what we’re here to talk about.

Attic insulation is absolutely vital for your home’s efficiency. We consider it a problem if homeowners don’t know how insulation works, because that can be an easy way to underestimate how valuable it is. Attic insulation in Gainesville, FL can be a great way to invest in the efficiency of your home. We’ll use some science to show you why!

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How Is Your Heating?

Monday, January 4th, 2021

Well, how is it? We’re not asking you rhetorically, we want you to truly think about the performance of your heater. It’s heating season here in Florida, and many homes are struggling to meet the demands of their owners. Heaters are chugging along as well as they can, and we want to let you know that we can help. We’re not just a team that’s dedicated to broken down heaters, but also to the ones that are struggling.

So, when we talk about heating in Gainesville, FL, we’ve developed a checklist that could help jog your mind about your heating woes. Take a look below at what types of heating problems you could be encountering, and make sure you let us know about each one. We’re positive that we can help you out your heater.Some homeowners don’t even know that these problems below are even problems to begin with!

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Start Fresh in 2021 with Duct Cleaning

Monday, December 21st, 2020

The outbreak of a pandemic this year has really pulled things into perspective. With COVID-19, we’re seeing just how easily something like a virus could spread, and it’s becoming more and more apparent how poor our indoor air quality is. It’s not anyone’s fault, least of all you, but something needs to be done about it. While tests and studies are still coming out about this virus in particular, other contaminants can be stopped in their tracks with duct cleaning in Gainesville, FL.

Why not start fresh with duct cleaning in 2021? Especially if you’ve got a new heating system, or you’re on the lookout for ways to improve your indoor air quality, duct cleaning can be an easy way to do these things.

Give our team a call so we can get to work cleaning your ducts, ensuring your home stays clean and your HVAC system runs efficiently.

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The 3 Hidden Benefits of AC Maintenance

Monday, December 7th, 2020

We talk a lot about getting air conditioner maintenance on this blog. To give ourselves a little bit of credit, we do live in Florida, and air conditioners are run into the ground from all the heavy use if they aren’t maintained properly. AC maintenance is the first line of defense against costly repairs, issues of a shortened lifespan, and other problems that could be potentially devastating for your air conditioner and your wallet.

However, there is more to air conditioner maintenance than meets the eye. AC maintenance in Gainesville, FL can be the key to saving you money in other aspects as well. Other contractors don’t often mention these hidden benefits because they bank on homeowners forgoing maintenance and calling them back in a few years for an early replacement. With us, we want homeowners to think of AC maintenance as the necessary tool it is.

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The True Value of an AC Warranty

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

Let’s face it, we put a lot of strain on our air conditioners throughout the year. We marvel at the fact that our northern neighbors have air conditioners that are 20 years old, while ours can barely manage 15 with the sheer amount of cooling they’re tasked with doing. It’s so important that everyone in our area who has the luxury of utilizing an air conditioner’s warranty keep doing so for as long as possible.

Though, did you know that warranties provide a little bit more than just money savings? They can be a great incentive towards keeping your air conditioner in good condition. We’ll talk a bit today about why it’s so vital that you get a warranty on your AC installation in Gainesville, FL. Remember, do everything you can to avoid voiding that warranty, and call us if you need help.

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Your Yearly AC Report Card

Monday, October 26th, 2020

It’s that time of year again! Another brutal summer has come and gone, and while we might still be dealing with a few hot days to come, the worst of it is over. So, how exactly did your air conditioner do? If you’re unsure as to how to answer that question, then don’t worry, we’ve got the solution for you. It’s time to give your air conditioner the grade it deserves!

So, from A to F, we’re going to grade your air conditioning system for the past year and see where we can go from there. This system should make it fairly obvious if you need help with your air conditioning in Gainesville, FL. Or, if your system is running perfectly, then you really shouldn’t have any problems at all!

Either way, we’re here to help. Just keep reading.

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Heater Repair and Fall: Your Guide to the Season

Monday, September 28th, 2020

There are plenty of scenarios that can happen when you turn your heater on for the first time this season. It can come on without a hitch and act like it did last season, which is the best possible outcome. It can turn on with some minor problems that make you raise your eyebrow high. Or, it could not even turn on at all—signaling something sinister at the bottom of it.

For those who turn their heaters on without a hitch, congratulations! You probably don’t need furnace repair in Gainesville, FL.

For everyone else, keep reading. We’re going to talk about some of the normal occurrences when you turn your heater on for the first time in the fall, and some problems that can absolutely require our services. Stay vigilant and make sure you help your heater wherever possible.

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Professional Installation Is Key

Monday, August 31st, 2020

We are always baffled by homeowners who think their family member can install a new air conditioner. With how expensive, important, and complicated these systems are, it’s always a bad idea to have someone that’s not licensed and certified perform this type of work. Notice how we didn’t say sometimes, we said always.

Sure, having a family member install your air conditioner, or hiring an amateur that lives down the street is definitely cheaper than professional service. We won’t argue that. What we will argue is that cheaper doesn’t always mean better results—and often you’ll be making up for the rest of the cost and more down the line.

AC installation in Gainesville, FL is an important process. It’s responsible for setting your AC up for the next 10-15 years of its life. Any hiccups, flaws, or errors in this process is going to lead to expensive fixes and headaches that you’d probably rather avoid.

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Quick Fixes: Changing Your AC’s Air Filter

Monday, August 17th, 2020

Air conditioners have air filters that are meant to keep dust and debris out. This isn’t just for our own personal health, although it doesn’t hurt, it’s supposed to keep the coils of your AC clean from contaminants. Contaminants can cause the coil to become damaged which would ruin the effectiveness and efficiency of your cooling. So, long story short—replace your air filter today!

The next question you’re probably asking is—how do I replace the air filter in my AC? That’s a great question and one that we’re more than happy to answer for you!

Changing the air filter in your AC can be a great way of staving off air conditioning repair in Gainesville, FL. Follow along as we go through a step by step guide on how to change the air filter. We promise that you’ll be an expert at this by the time you’re done!

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