North Central Florida Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Gainesville’

Avoid AC Neglect with These Three Tips

Monday, August 16th, 2021

Air conditioner neglect is a problem that can be insidious. Anyone who is neglecting their air conditioner doesn’t know they’re doing it, but the effect takes its toll and sooner or later you’re dealing with an early replacement. In terms of cost, neglect can be a terrible problem because it can force you to spend more money on your air conditioner later, than paying minimally for services like maintenance and fast repairs now. Basically, neglect leads to wasted money and an air conditioner that can break down more easily.

Don’t worry! North Central Florida Air Conditioning is here to help! We’ve got some great tips that could help you avoid AC neglect and get in touch with us for air conditioning service in Gainesville, FL. These tips will help you stay on top of the condition your AC is in, and they’ll be useful for the future.

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Everything You Need to Know About Mold

Monday, August 2nd, 2021

When you combine humidity, heat, and air conditioning, what do you get? The perfect environment for mold growth. Normally, when an air conditioner is functioning as it should be, there isn’t really any space for mold. All the moisture gets drained out of the condensate line, and your system can go on working. However, when there’s a clog in the condensate drain or pan, or if there’s another problem causing excess humidity to exist in your home or AC system, then you could see the influx of mold.

Don’t worry, we can help! Our team specializes in mold removal in Gainesville, FL. Not only will we be able to fix your air conditioner and provide targeted repairs that get the job done, but we’ll also be able to remove any mold and detect where any other mold might be growing. Keep your home comfortable as well as safe by calling us.

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Our Guide to Hiring the Perfect Professional for AC Repairs

Monday, July 19th, 2021

We know that when hot temperatures hit our area, it’s easy for our minds to wander towards our air conditioners. We start thinking about the worst-case scenario when our AC might falter on the hottest day of the year. Or, we might start regretting that skipped maintenance appointment that really should have been done during the springtime. What homeowners don’t think about too often, however, is who they’re paying to do these valuable services. AC repair in Gainesville, FL can be a pricey endeavor, so it’s becoming clearer every summer that hiring the right professional is a big decision to make.

Today, we’d like to talk about where our team stands. We’ll discuss why people choose us time and time again to fix their air conditioners, and why you might consider choosing us for the first time over an amateur. It’s time to take your air conditioning services to the next level.

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AC FAQ: What Is Refrigerant?

Monday, May 24th, 2021

It’s no surprise that we think about air conditioners a lot here in Florida. We can sometimes even run our AC systems into the ground because we use them for most of the year. While we’re running these systems that keep us so comfortable, it’s important to think every once in a while about how they work.

If you’re a newcomer to the HVAC industry, or you’re an old-timer who wants a bit of a refresher on how your AC system works, then we can help. We want to talk about refrigerant, and answer some questions that homeowners might have about this material and how it relates to your air conditioning in Gainesville, FL.

We’ll go over the recent R-22 phaseout, signs you’ve got a refrigerant leak, and more! Just remember to call our team when you need help.

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Investing in a Heat Pump or Central AC?

Monday, May 3rd, 2021

This is a big question we get often by homeowners in our area. Which system should they invest in, a central air conditioner or a heat pump? Or, a lot of homeowners simply ask, “which system is better?”

This is a trick question. There are no better or worse systems, unless you’re talking about units that are separated by about a decade in age. There are systems that are perfect for some homes, and systems that are better for others. What we’re trying to say is, don’t put these units in a binary of better or worse. It’s time to think about what your home cooling needs are and how our team can help you reach those comfort goals.

Today, we’ll talk about which type of air conditioning installation in Gainesville, FL is better for your home, and how we can start the process as soon as possible.

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3 Quick Fixes for Any AC

Monday, April 19th, 2021

It’s that time of year. Temperatures are slowly rising, and our tolerance for heat and humidity is slowly dwindling as we get used to these new spring temperatures. At first, it’s wonderful to feel the warmth of the sun and notice all of the blooming plants. Then, humidity levels rise and we get downright miserable with our first few heatwaves of the year.

While this might seem fine since you’ve got an air conditioner, what if your air conditioner was really struggling last year? Do you think this year is going to go off without a hitch? If you need AC repair in Gainesville, FL then we urge you to call us for those repairs soon. The sooner the better.

However, if you’re still looking for minor ways to fix or improve your AC aside from professional repairs, then keep reading! We’ll give you a few pointers.

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What’s in Your Air Ducts?

Monday, March 29th, 2021

Air ducts are essential to the functionality of our air conditioners and heating systems. Without them, we either have to rely on specific heating and cooling systems, like ductless mini splits, or figure out some other way to have treated air distributed throughout our homes. The longer your air ducts go without being cleaned, the more likely it is that your indoor air is suffering from a wide variety of contaminants. Let us explain.

Dust isn’t the only thing you should worry about existing in your air ducts. Bacteria, viruses, mold spores, and other contaminants can live and breed inside your air duct system. Also, without proper air duct cleaning in Gainesville, FL, your HVAC system could see a serious decrease in efficiency with all of these contaminants gunking up the system.

We’re going to talk today specifically about what’s in your air ducts and how our cleaning services get rid of them.

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3 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Your Furnace

Monday, March 15th, 2021

Furnaces are common around here. If you take a survey of your neighborhood and ask them about the type of heater they rely on, you’ll likely hear about many gas furnaces. They’re affordable, powerful, effective, efficient, and they’ve really got no downsides that other systems don’t have as well.

Now, just because people have gas furnaces doesn’t mean they know as much as they should about them. In this economy, it can be easy to invest in a heating system just because you need one, without actually knowing the advantages of said system. So, as your experts on furnace service in Gainesville, FL, we’d like to give you some nifty factoids about your furnace.

The hope is that these tips enlighten you to how your furnace works and helps you notice if you need professional help. If you do, our team is always available to help.

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Gainesville Heating

Monday, March 1st, 2021

Your heater deserves the best care possible. When something goes wrong, the first thought through your head is probably the worry about how much it’s going to cost. While this is definitely the most important aspect of HVAC work from a customer’s perspective, you should also be wary of short-cuts and cheap fixes. There are quite a few dos and don’ts of heater service in Gainesville, FL.

We’ll list out everything that you should do, and everything that you shouldn’t do when it comes to heating repair. So, before you open up that online tutorial on “how to self-diagnose your heating problem” or before you get the gloves and supplies from the nearest hardware store, stop what you’re doing and read this blog.

If you need immediate help, make sure you call our team for comprehensive heater repairs. We’ve always got your back.

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3 Common Electric Furnace Repairs

Monday, February 15th, 2021

Contrary to what some people might tell you, electric furnaces are pretty common in our area. They’re affordable, efficient, and they’re perfect for keeping a home warm during a Florida winter. However, they’re not without their own set of unique problems.

We want to keep homeowners up to speed on what can happen with their electric furnaces. Things aren’t always smooth, and when something goes wrong, we want you to be as informed as possible. While we’re always available to call for help, we want homeowners to know exactly when they should call for help. Locating a problem and knowing a little bit of information surrounding furnace repair in Gainesville, FL can be a great start for homeowners out there.

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